Happy Reading and Writing!
Dr. Sam Bommarito and Glenda Nugent
CHAIRMAN's Message
Ways to Connect
https://www.facebook.com/mscira - Look for information about upcoming events, new book releases, and links to interesting literacy information
Please join Dr. Bommarito as he talks about articles in this issue on twitter! @doctorsam7 #MoRdr
Visit our website
http://www.missouri reading.org/
Find a local council and join!
Dates to Remember
Write to Learn Conference
International Literacy Association Conference
Dates to Remember
Missouri Write to LearnConference
March 2-3, 2023
Columbia, Missouri
Go to page 47 to find out more about this years WTL. In addition there is infomation on how to nominate someone for the Literacy Awards MLA is giving out at WTL.
Editors' Expressions
Steve Baybo
Use this link to access the Winter 2019
Special Poetry Issue
Hello to all current and future members. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Debbie Lambeth and I am the Chairperson of the Missouri Literacy Association this year. I am fortunate to be leading an organization that is in the process of renewal and growth. As educators, we are constantly seeking improvement in our craft of teaching and are looking for ways to engage in learning for ourselves. The mission of the Missouri Literacy Association is to empower educators, ensure equity, inspire students, and encourage leaders with the equitable resources needed to make literacy accessible in diverse communities.
As you navigate through your lifelong learning process, consider how a professional organization can support you. The Missouri Literacy Association, an affiliate of The International Literacy, is continuing to grow by connecting educators across the state. We now have four regional chapters, St. Louis, Kansas City, Southwest Missouri and our newest regional chapter, the Northwest Missouri Literacy Associaton . See page 24 for details. When you become a member of MLA, you automatically become a member of your local chapter at no extra cost. You will not want to miss the professional learning opportunities from national speakers this year and our feature publication The Missouri Reader. Be sure to also visit our Facebook Page and our Website.
Debbie Lambeth
Chairman of the Missouri Literacy Association
https://mla31.wildapricot.org/ and Facebook page.