FALL 2022 Missouri Reader Published in October 2022 | Page 3

Executive Committee

Missouri Literacy Association 2021-2022

Chair..........................Debbie Lambeth

Chair Elect ..............Julius B. Anthony

Past Chair.................. Sam Bommarito

Secretary......................Lisa Merideth

Treasurer ...................Kathleen Howe

ILA Coordinator ..................................... Betty Porter walls


We invite publishers and those in education related businesses to advertise in The Missouri Reader.

- Full page - $200

- Half page - $125

- One-quarter page - $75

- One-eighth page - $50

Advertising requests must be made by filling out this form, sending the digital copy of the high-resolution ad image to

Dr. Sam Bommarito

[email protected]

along with the appropriate payment.

Advertising deadlines:

January 1 - Spring issue

August 1 - Summer/Fall issue

Call for Reviewers

WE NEED YOU! If you are interested in reviewing manuscripts, please contact

Glenda Nugent

[email protected]

All images used in this issue were supplied by the author, used with permission, or used under the Creative Commons license.

Software & Book Reviews by Various Authors


p. 34




Resourceful Research

Content Connections

p. 24

Scaffolding Text Analysis Throughout the Elementary Grades

Annemarie Jay and Harry Mercurio


Learn how elementary teachers can scaffold reading instruction based on developmentally appropriate practices to enable young readers to apply text analysis and close reading to their literacy practices.


Fluency: Repeated Reading’s Impacting and Overlapping Factors

 Nickie Simonetti

Repeated reading can be a resource to build background knowledge and support word identification and comprehension skills.


p. 26

p. 34

Diversify Your Classroom Library

 Monica Thomas


Find out how to diversify your classroom library to match the increasing diversity of your students.



The FAB Four in Literature Discussion Groups

Lauren Floyd

Read how the research-based the FAB Four, or reciprocal teaching promotes students’ exploration within discussion groups and promotes expansion of literary knowledge focused on predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing.



p. 42

p. 44

Gee’s Identity Principle and Deep Learning

Melanie Duddy

See how students can utilizeindividual research, small group investigation, whole-group discussion and role-playing to expand their knowledge in authentic experiences designed to help them take on the identities of others by utilizing new literacies



p. 54

Lessons in Authorship and Resilience from Second Grade Writers

Leah Koch

This qualitative study examined how students developed their writing voices and a view of themselves as authors.




p. 48

The Inquiry Initiative: A Partnership of Missouri Educators and

Educators in Kitale, Kenya


LaChrisa Crenshaw, Javania M. Webb, Terry Daily Davis, and Shea N. Kerkhoff


MLA Board Member Shea Kerkhoff and a team of educators share how they are making a difference in the education of girls in Kenya.






Collaboration Collection

p. 65
