Fall 2022 Magazine | Page 35

Generation Gaps Affect Parents and Children Negatively by Mirei Yo

The generation gap between parents and their children affects their relationship negatively . Many aspects support this idea , such as things changing rapidly from before ; new technologies are being invented every month ( which may affect children ) and trends at schools are far different than it was 20 years ago . All of this can make communication difficult between parents and their children .
Seventh grader Lukas Ma said that generation gaps affect relationships between parents and children negatively because of technology . These days , phones , tablets , and computers are easily available and affordable for most people . According to Pasi Sahlberg , Professor of Education Policy , more than 80 % of children globally ages five to seventeen years own an electronic device . On average , these children started
owning devices when they were four years old . Less than half of the parents interviewed by him said that their child could spend an entire day without digital devices . According to Ma , social media apps accessible with these devices might affect a child ’ s
attitude , hurting the parents ’ ability to communicate properly with their child . These apps can also bother the parents with their children spending time on their devices instead of doing chores .
Seventh grader Rebecca Li believes that age gaps between parents ’ and children ’ s relationships can be both negative and positive depending on the given situations .
“ If you are a mom and you are talking to your child , she may not know what your generation has gone through ,” Li said . For example , their child might be having trouble with social media , being bullied in school , or simply having a secret they do not want to share with their parents . Parents may have trouble understanding these things . Parents are most worried about their children , which makes the children want to keep their secrets to themselves . They are afraid their parents might ask them questions that could put pressure on them . This situation makes the relationship between the child and parents become pushed further apart and cause
a lack of trust . However , Li believes that teaching parents and children differences can help them value diversity .
Seventh grader Giorgia Matese believes the opposite from the majority . She thinks that generation gaps are positive because current technology can help parents track their child ’ s devices , which makes them easier to know what they are up to . Parents can use the internet to understand the current trends / fashion . All of these were not possible 30 years ago .
The majority believes that generation gaps have mostly negative influences towards the relationship between parents and children because of the rapid changes occurring in the world . Others say that new inventions of advanced technology can help parents understand their children better . To avoid the miscommunication between them , parents and their children should often have a heart-toheart discussion so that they get to know each other more .