Fall 2021 | Page 8

P a ge 8 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 4

James E . Hans , DCAPT-E

Season ’ s Greetings
As I begin to wind down my tenure as District Captain East , I would like to offer a few quick remarks and personal sentiments . First and foremost , it has been the honor of a lifetime to have had the opportunity to both serve as District Captain , as well as , working alongside an extraordinary array of volunteers throughout District East and 5 th Northern .
The diversity of our auxiliary membership is without equal . As a nation , nothing could have prepared us for the unprecedented challenges during a world-wide pandemic . But resilience , determination and dedication by our members , to fulfilling our mission is a reflection of their extraordinary and diverse talents . The pandemic has challenged us all on a myriad of levels . Yet the diverse skillsets of our membership , rallied together , with one purpose , one objective and one goal . To make our auxiliary stronger than before .
Success for any organization ( particularly on the volunteer level ) must begin with solid , yet grounded and responsible leadership . Within the auxiliary that leadership starts at the Flotilla Level . During the last 18 months , throughout District East , our Flotilla Commanders and Vice Commanders have all performed to the truest sense “ with Grace under fire ”. It is by their example of leadership that our Auxiliary remains strong and viable . It is for this reason , I would ask all of you to look within yourselves , and recognize that in your own unique way , you all have leadership qualities . Diverse and unique talents that you can bring to the leadership level . The future of our auxiliary starts with tomorrow ’ s future leaders . The personal growth and the unmatched satisfaction of giving and sharing your talents is a gift that will continue to impact the sustained success of the auxiliary for years to come .
James E . Hans District Captain — East
U . S . Coast Guard Auxiliary 5th District-Northern Region
As for me personally , my last 10 years in the Auxiliary can be defined as nothing short of incredible . Not because of specific missions , duties , or personal accomplishments , but because of the people . Now at 60 , these last ten years represent 1 / 6 th of my entire life . Never before have I felt the friendship , the fellowship and the camaraderie that the Auxiliary has provided for me over this decade .
Every one of you have the unique ability to leave a lasting thumb print on something greater than yourself . Your opportunity to step up and leave that thumb print begins now . As we close out this calendar year , there is much to be thankful for across our District . Although Covid has been devastating , most of our members have been spared the heart-braking effects of this virus . For those facing continued Covid challenges , you remain in my prayers .
And finally , over the last 10 years my family has been gracious enough to let me share much of my free time with the auxiliary . So , for a little while , I have a little make up time duty with my ever-increasing family and enjoying my new title of “ Pop Pop ”. This isn ’ t good bye . Our District Commodore won ’ t allow me to change my cell number or email address . I ’ ll just spend a little more time peaking in on all of you over the horizon , instead watching the waves crash in over my head .
God Bless all of you during this Holiday Season , and wish you Continued Good Health and Happiness in 2022 .
Jim Hans District Captain East