Fall 2021 | Page 29

P a ge 29 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 4


Hello AUXSOME Auxiliarists of District Five Northern . Just around the corner will be our 2022 Spring DTRAIN , in which I hope to see lots of awards recognizing your AUXSOME accomplishments .
My office is expected to be very shorthanded starting about the January / early February timeframe and I want to make sure you get recognized .
Please follow the guidance and templates on the format of awards in our policy . If procedures / signatures for 1650 ( s ) and the award ( s ) are not done correctly then it will be returned . If returned , it may not meet the below date deadlines and not given at the DTRAIN event . Please start early .
The awards policy can be found : MMS-PR-AUX ( D5NR 16791 ) -A-CHAPTER 12- ( 01 ). pdf
All awards must be given to the AWARDS Board through the Chain of Leadership by midnight , Sunday , January 02 , 2022 .
The AWARDS Board must submit the award in accordance to policy by midnight , Sunday , January 16 , 2022 . If an award is higher than my signature , it must be given to my office by midnight , Sunday , December 12 , 2021 . The DIRAUX email is : D05-SMB-NRDIRAUX @ uscg . mil
My office will fund EXCOM , our DTRAIN Planners , our Division Commanders , and two members from every Division . The members that we will fund must not live within 50 miles of the DTRAIN site . Out of the members from each Division that we fund , both must have never gone to an in person DTRAIN before OR one member that has never been to a DTRAIN in person before and the other must be an active member within that Division .
This list of members must be given to this office by midnight , Sunday , December 12 , 2021 .
The 2070 form for the members that my office is funding must be received by midnight , Sunday , January 16 , 2022 . If the 2070 form is not received OR if it is received but not filled out correctly , the member will not receive funding from my office .
CDR Victoria L . Taylor-Davies U . S . Coast Guard Director of Auxiliary Fifth District - Northern Region