Fall 2021 | Página 25

P a ge 25 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 4


Left : DCDR Meixell presenting Certificate of Appreciation to SO-NS / PV Anthony Wojnar – Committee Chairman
Right : Ivan O . Meixell , DCDR and Bob Vanderhook , VCDR ;
L / R : Bob Vanderhook , VDCR ; Kim Getz , SO-MS ; David Bronson , MBR ; Anthony Wojnar , VFC ; Ron McHale , FC
• There were two Pollution Prevention trifolds at both locations . On August 28th and 29th . Both locations educated 173 people were educated about Marine Safety and the time required for the pollution to dissolve into the ground and the harmful effects that discarded waste materials have on marine life .
• Various visual aids were utilized in the various displays to educated people on what occurs to marine wildlife if they do not dispose of pollution the proper way . Visual aids which were shown to the public visitors were : A dolphin with a six-pack holder around its nose . A sea turtle with fishing line around its neck and fins . Various sharks with fishing line around their different fins . A killer whale which had a balloon in its mouth showing that they think balloons are plankton which is one of the foods they eat . In addition , a dishpan with oil ( 1 ”) containing various sea animals was displayed to show what happens when there is an oil spill .