Seasoned performer Author-Singer Dwayne Coley explores a vast range of subjects (Lifestyles, Music, and Books) with valuable insights and lively trends from entertainers, experts authors, composers and other news-makers. Dwayne encourages his audience to interact with him on facebook #dwayne
Dwayne is the owner of Just My Imagination BBQ & Catering, singer, including radio host, voice over artist, public speaker, and self-proclaimed author of ‘What A Man Wants’ whose work includes a new narration of his book and release a new video called Wedding Day in addition the song is available on Amazon.
Known for his articulate and entertaining interviews, Dwayne maintains a solid approach to each program… “It’s all about respect; I treat each of my guests as if they’ve just stepped into my living room. Dwayne is the Executive Music & Event Director of the fabulous Extraordinary People Awards where he adds his creative touch to over 30 different country honorees.
The real secret to me hosting a entertainment blog is watching trends.”
To get his critically acclaimed book visit