Fall 2020 | Page 40

SAINT JAMES SCHOOL ART STUDENTS WIN TWO GOLD KEYS Two Saint James School students earned Gold Keys in the 2020 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition. Saint James students were also awarded eight Silver Keys and five works were recognized with Honorable Mention in the competition. All works receiving Gold Keys advance to national judging. The Saint James Gold Key winners were Trinity Goff for her Photography piece and Isabelle Goulet for her Mixed Media piece. MONTGOMERY CATHOLIC ANNOUNCES INTERIM PRINCIPAL AND VICE PRINCIPAL Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School announced that Eileen Aaron will serve as Interim Principal for the Middle and High School Campus for the 2020-2021 academic year. She will be joined by Laura Reilly as Vice Principal of Academic Affairs. Together, they will serve as the Middle and High School Campus leadership team that includes current Middle School Assistant Principal Julie Wood. ACA HOSTS SPECIAL OLYMPICS STATE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Alabama Christian Academy had the privilege of hosting the Special Olympics State Basketball Championship. The ACA Middle School and High School student body lined the driveway with balloons, signs and pom poms to cheer on the players as they exited their buses. The Special Olympics athletes joined the band and cheerleaders as they walked “parade style” carrying the olympic torch into the gymnasium where they were greeted with music, banners, balloons and even more students cheering for them. L12 | Fall 2020 www.potentialmagazine.com