Fall 2020 | Page 13

JANUARY: NEW YEAR PLANNING Hopefully by now you’ve finished sending in your applications, and you can use this month to transition into focusing on scholarships. Find a way to organize your scholarship search and give yourself time to gather what you need (recommendations, transcripts, etc.) This way you’re ready to go when it’s time to apply! FEBRUARY-MARCH: SCHOLARSHIPS Keep organizing and applying for as many scholarships as you can. You may also need to go ahead and send your grades to colleges, so take note of your college’s specific requirements— don’t be afraid to ask if you’re unsure. The last few months of senior year is jam packed, so use this time to catch up and rest up! APRIL: RESPOND TO COLLEGES If you haven’t already heard back from the colleges you’ve applied to, now’s that time. Letters from your prospective schools will soon flood in, and once you know where you are accepted and wait-listed, you must take proactive steps to make a decision: evaluate each financial aid package, compare your award letters, and narrow down the best fit. ALL YEAR: GET INVOLVED Enjoy the activities and classes you love. As a senior, you will likely have so much opportunity for growth. Take on new roles and try new things! JUNE: YOU’RE A GRADUATE! Your only task this month is to enjoy and celebrate your success. ALL YEAR: GET INVOLVED MAY: FINAL EXAMS AND DECISIONS May 1st is “decision day,” so be sure to send in your transcripts and deposits to secure your spot. However, before committing to a school, be sure you understand how much college will cost for all four years. Also, don’t lose focus, finish out your finals strong and keep your GPA up. If you are wait-listed at your first choice, reach out to the college or university immediately. Schools will accept off the wait-list for several months, and personal contact will help you keep track of your standing. Subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter for more tips, dates, and scholarship offers, and check out our website for more information on the college preparation process —potentialmagazine.com! www.potentialmagazine.com Fall 2020 | 13