Fall 2020 October 2020 Blue Umbrella | Page 14

My Lif e in I r aq

By Yaeli P .
Many people have an idea of what Iraq is like by the footage they see on TV , or by what they read in the news . Although what is portrayed in the news is true , it doesn ? t reveal the entirety of the country and its people .
Iraq is in Mesopotamia , and is one of the countries of the Middle East . Modern day Iraq includes the ancient cities of Babylon and Nineveh . The language spoken is predominantly Arabic . The religion of Iraq is Islam , which has shaped and molded the thoughts and perspectives of Iraqis today .
Iraqi cuisine is general to the entirety of the Middle East , but each country has their own technique for cooking meals . Common meals are eaten with samoon , or flat bread , and chai after the meal has been concluded . Eating together is very important in our culture , and sitting down to a meal with your entire family is a blessing to be grateful for .
Because of Islam , clothing and modesty are very significant aspects of life , mostly for the women . Muslim women are required to wear a covering around their head , concealing their hair and neck , which is called a hijab . They are also supposed to wear long , loose dresses called burkas .
Religion is strict and to be followed . The Mosque is where Muslims go to pray to Allah . Five times a day , the designated Islamic priest will pray from the large , towering speakerphones within the mosque . When the call to prayer has begun , Muslims will stop their work and kneel to pray on their prayer mats .
Iraqi culture is honor based , and family oriented . The people are hospitable and welcoming ! Although Iraq is known for terrorism and destruction , beauty can be found in its culture and people as well .

14 Features