Falcon Flyer Winter 2022-2023 | Page 34

Are there any books you would like to push for the English curricular?:

“A book I would like to push for would be Dig. It’s a really great book and I had a really fun time reading it and I feel like students would too. It’s a little spooky but it is a mystery novel and I feel like the students would have a lot of fun reading it and as the book begins to unravel it becomes way more intriguing.” 

When it comes to your students what would you say is the most difficult?: “It would have to be trying to unglue my students from their phone. It would have to be reconnecting them to society.” Ms. Alvarez has had a rough time trying to engage her students more into the class and trying to get them to communicate more with their peers and to help engage them more with their surroundings instead of having them constantly on their phones and not paying attention. She feels that with the phones out of the way it would make things much more easier for both her and her students.

Do you see yourself at SBHS

long term?:

“I see my future teaching career here. It’s a great feeling because at my student teaching I did not have that same feeling. When I was in my other school I could not wait for it to end and I was scared I would have the same feeling here and that I would hate coming to school every morning and that I wouldn’t want to stay here either. But I feel the complete opposite because I enjoy coming here everyday and I’m excited to wake up to a new day and I look forward to coming and teaching my classes.” Ms. Alvarez so far has had a wonderful experience here at SBHS and cannot wait for the opportunities she can begin sharing with her students and the lessons she will begin to learn here as well. She is very happy that she has found a place where she enjoys coming everyday and that it is so nearby to where she lives.