Mr. Meisch
1. How does being a principal differ from being a vice-principal?
For Mr. Meisch, the biggest difference between being the principal and the vice-principal is the amount of responsibility. All of the decisions now ultimately run through him. Mr. Meisch has more responsibility. He has gone from overseeing two grades as a vice-principal to overseeing six grades as the principal. He notes how “if something happens at a sporting event, show, or even overnight, I'll get a call and need to respond. It doesn’t happen often but I've gotten calls from Saddle Brook police department in the middle of the night.” As the former vice-principal of Saddle Brook Middle School, these events did not occur.
2. What is your vision for the school? Are there any big changes you would like to implement?
Mr. Meisch has a clear vision when it comes to his vision for Saddle Brook High/Middle school. In fact, he reflected on his vision when he was first interviewing for Vice Principal a few years ago . At the time, he responded that he wanted to see the district be one that people move to because of how good the school is. Ultimately, he wants everyone and every type of student who goes through the middle/high school to be able to walk away with a rich, meaningful experience that prepares them for the next step in their journey. Mr. Meisch wants students to feel prepared for their future. This applies to students who will move on to a 2 or 4 year college, trade school, career, military, etc. Mr. Meisch has already started making changes to the school. For instance, he, along with the staff, were able to add an AP History course, several dual enrollment courses (earn college credit while sitting in a HS class) , and other elective options that would appeal to all students. Another change that he implemented was strengthening the school’s collaboration with Bergen Community College. This is regarding the Early Career Program in which the college offers. Mr. Meisch wants the students of Saddle Brook High/Middle School to have a more active role in the school. “A goal of mine going forward is to really increase the student involvement at the MS/HS.”