The leading players include: Heidi Nosch as Clio/ Kira; Thomas Wojcik as Sonny Malone; Alan Pinzon as Danny Maguire/Zeus; Emma Wien as Calliope; and Caelen Mahoney as Melpomene.
The Muses include: Kirsten Ocampo as Euterpe; Sammy Sanchez as Thalia; Emily Huang as Erato; Jasmin Ramos as Terpsicore.
The Greek Gods and mythological creatures include: Satya Allen as Aphrodite; Madelyn Garcia as Medusa; Ashley Torbic as Cupid; Daniel Garcia as the Cyclops; and Ryan Avallone as the Centaur.
The ensemble includes: Satya Allen, Ryan Avallone, Natalia Chahine, Daniel Garcia, Madelyn Garcia, Christian Lindberg, Stephanie McNamara, Molly Naegely, Michael Palotta, Ashley Torbic, and Samantha Voorhees.
The student director was Ashley Torbic.