These cases have sparked such support because they have been happening for so long, that it is tiring to see them being overlooked any longer. Police Brutality is just one aspect of the growing problem of systematic racism in America, which is why Black History has become progressively more important, leading into 2021. Learning the history of the nation´s black heritage and ancestry is vital for one day making the country parallel to the constitution it was built on, and that can never occur if we still choose to cover it up, and pretend that it made no difference on America's history overall, and what kind of land we are today, making us unique from all else.
And I'm glad I did, I've got a lot out of it. But my art teacher did the same. My high school art teacher did the same kind of assignment over and over again, copy a photograph, copy a photograph, copy a photograph. And it became not so much art for me, it became knitting. So, you know, it was repetitive. Let's see which student in the class can make the most photo realistic looking painting.
So you guys were sort of printers essentially?
Basically, yeah, we will just cut you know, oh, copy a photograph of the steam train or a tiger. And technically, I was good at that. But it just didn't satisfy me. So I was looking for other things when I went to art college. So that has definitely informed the way I teach. I tend not to have students copy photographs. And your example of your painting right now is the classic example. Yes, it's based on a photograph. But I want you to go in creative directions. You know, you look back. It's been a hard year, we've not had a lot of assignments, but it's been hard. And I've tried to not have students do the same kind of thing over and over again.