World News
By Khantil Desai
Do you know who’s in power over the U.S.A? There was a federal election this past month. The major leaders were Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. In U.S.A federal elections happen every four years and whoever wins takes control of the U.S.A! This happened November 6th, 2012 and most votes went for Obama. Fletcher’s teacher Mr. Bermonte says “living in the time of Lincoln”. Most importantly Mr. Obama is in power over U.S.A for the next four years again. Mr. Obama probably won because he supported the middle class, women rights, erase debt by raising tax on the rich, cares for environment and killed Osama bin Laden. Do you think he was the right choice?
Mitt Romney and Barack Obama
By Gurkirat Chahal
BoOoOoOoO!!! Fletcher’s, some costumes were mind-blowing to look at; they were really scary to some students because they never knew it wasn’t a real monster. Halloween is a night when ghost stories and mischief happens, like egg throwing, ringing a door bell and running away or toilet papering houses. Though there are also kids who are good little people and just go trick or treating ‘till their teeth rot. Millions around the world celebrate this holiday. Halloween is originally known as the festival of the dead. Halloween is a day when ghost spirits roam free. Torches were lit up so it would protect individuals’ houses long ago. If you wouldn’t give a treat people will play tricks on you. If you played tricks on someone and you got caught the villagers they would blacken your face. In the older days if you picked 12 sage leaves a shadowy figure would usually take you away. The celebration of Halloween was celebrated on October 31 because it was known to be New Year’s Eve for spirits. The most popular costumes themes people wore were monsters and other costumes. People also liked being fantasy characters like superheroes. A few people liked being animals. Below is a survey of what Fletcher's wore for Halloween: