Faith Tabernacle Church Magazine October 2013 | Page 5

Along with the excitement surrounding the expansion of GROC’s reach also comes a rise in the level of work that has to be done and the cost to make it happen. Our main cost increase has to do with transportation. One of our G-ROC kids came by bus to VBS this summer and said that it made him feel like he was famous being picked up every day. Isn`t that our goal? To let the kids know that they are famous but not because of the bus but because they are a child of the King. You can help us reach more kids with the Gospel by: 1. Contributing financially in one of the following ways: designate G-ROC indoor site on your offering envelope, visit us online at and select donate now button, or by stopping by the main office. 2. Contributing your time as a volunteer: We need volunteers to make all of this happen so if you would like to be a bus monitor, hall monitor, prepare hot chocolate and treats, or teach please contact us. Finally I would like to invite each of you to please join with us in prayer as we step out in obedience to follow God`s direction. Serving Together, Joyceleen. Second, ELEVATE is moving forward with some initiatives on Dalhousie’s Campus. Part of that involves supporting existing ministries such as Shiloh University Church on Friday nights but all also launching some campus initiatives of our own. In the coming weeks ELEVAT ??????????????????? ?????1A!???????????)????????U???????1A!? ?????????????????? ???????????????????)????????a?%I9P?-%9?=?U Q%=;?d???????????????????????????)???????????????????)??????????a?????e????)???????d??Q?????????)????????????????)???????????????????)???????????????????)???????????????????)??????e???????]?????)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????((?((