Faith Tabernacle Church Magazine October 2013 | Page 4
are out in the community on a regular basis and there are many people from a wide
variety of community groups that are within the walls of Faith regularly. It’s
wonderful to witness that coming and going.
As we attempt to deepen our existing community connections, and further our
presence and service in part of ‘our world’ that is Halifax, I’m thrilled to draw your
attention to a couple of new endeavors that are continuing in our missional
First we have a note from our GROC Coordinator, Joyceleen Osbourne regarding a
new GROC initiative:
G-ROC will be launching an indoor site here at FTC
from Oct. 12, 2013 - Dec. 7, 2013.
This EXCITING opportunity will make it possible for us to connect with kids from
other communities in our area where we are currently unable to bring our Sidewalk
Model. Taking this step also means we will be able to continue sharing Christ’s love
with these kids through the colder months of the fall.