Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 18 | Page 6
from the mailbox
Selections From Our New Releases
by Mark Cleminson
919 - Exousia
US $21.00
In this thought-provoking lecture, Mark Cleminson questions
the principles of unlimited submission and non-resistance to
governments and civil rules, especially when religion is used as
a tool to reinforce this obedience.
Thank you very much for all the
wonderful work on I’ve
been able to lead a few people to the feet of Jesus
though your site and Walter’s lectures. I’m very
grateful to God and to all of you for this wonderful website! ~RF
I just want to say thank you for the wonderful
ministry you guys have. Thank you for the videos.
May God bless you for the wonderful work you
are doing. Thank you for standing no matter the
weather and the storm. ~Anonymous
I am an Adventist who just loves your messages,
the messages for this time in earth’s history—
the Three Angels’ Messages. I watch your TV
programming exclusively, I just love all your
preachers. ~CQ
I just want to tell you that you helped my wife
Lina and I understand more of the love of Christ
and how serious we have to be in serving and
trusting the Lord. God is good and I am so thankful that we had a chance to hear you preach the
Word of God. We’ve truly been blessed.
We have learned so much since being introduced to you and Dr. Veith since letting go of cable
TV and purchasing a Christian satellite network.
Amazing Discoveries has really blessed our family. Thank you Pastor Gill, we have enjoyed your
presence. ~Rudy and Lina in Texas
920 - Now is the Time
US $21.00
We are living on the verge of a tremendous breaking point in the
Church, our society, and the world. As Mark Cleminson explains,
now is the time when we must choose whom we will serve. Will
you join those who “Fight the good fight of faith, refusing to
think or to talk unbelief” (8T, 53), or will you settle for mediocrity in the kingdom of this world? Your eternal future hangs
in the balance.
Amazing Discoveries has really strengthened my
faith and knowledge. Thanks. ~MM
I have been an SDA for the past 8 years. Professor Veith has surely opened my eyes to so much
information on current events, it is just so amazing.
I am using his materials to witness. Thank you Dr.
Veith. ~SD
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