Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 18 | Page 5

The captain drove him out and said, “You will report Saturday for duty.” But Sabbath morning, B took his Bible and went off through the woods, and stayed there all day, and read the Bible and prayed to God; and he settled it with the Lord. He went over the experience of death in the fortress and down in the African jungles, and he faced it all, and took his stand to live for God, no matter what the consequences might be. He expected to be summoned before the captain Sunday morning, but he wasn‘t. Monday morning the captain called for him and said, “You were not on duty Saturday.” He replied, “No I was not.” The captain wanted to know where he was and what he was doing, and he told him. The captain was furious, and he said, “Now I am going to take you to the higher officer, and he will give you your sentence.” So he led this young man in, and reported to the higher officer. This officer looked at him kindly. “Well,” he said, “my man, what‘s the matter?” Brother B explained to him about the Sabbath. The officer listened, and then said, “Do you think you can‘t do any work whatsoever on the Sabbath, on Saturday?” He said, “No.” “Well,” he said, “do you think that the French government can surrender to your whims?” He answered, ”I don‘t know what they can do. I only know what I cannot do—I cannot work on the Sabbath day.” After some conversation, the commander stepped out with the captain, and the young man remained in the room, and he prayed to the Lord to move on their hearts, that the right thing might be done. After a bit, the captain came back, but the commander went away. The captain asked, “Well, how do you feel just now since seeing the officer?” He answered, “I feel just the same.” “You do not intend to do any work on Saturday?” “No.” “You say you were a stenographer and secretary before you came here, and you can do that work now?” “Yes, if I have a chance.” Then the captain asked, “How would you like to be my stenographer and secretary?” “Why,” he said, “Captain, I would like it fine, only no work on the Sabbath.” “Very well,” he said, “that‘s taken for granted now.” And he made that boy his secretary, and gave him the bath from sundown Friday until sundown night. He had been there a full year, and his two weeks‘ holiday was to come in connection with our camp meeting: but as it was to begin on Friday, just as our meeting was about to close, he would get only one Sabbath, the meetings closing on Sunday. He had his work all finished, so he went to the captain and told him about the camp meeting, and asked him if he would be willing to let him leave early and cut the time off the other end of his vacation. He said, “Captain, I would stay up all night tonight, and all night tomorrow night, and do everything necessary, if you would let me go.” The captain said, “I haven‘t anything to do now, and you have everything finished, so you can go now.” Brother B said, “Very well, Captain. I will come back as soon as it is over.” But the captain replied, “Your regular time closes Saturday, and you are no good Saturday, and I don‘t want to be fussing around here Sunday; so you needn‘t come back until Monday.” There he was, with the full time of his holiday and eight days over. His story was a revelation to me of splendid Christian heroism, of real, firm, definite loyalty to God. Just a French boy, only twenty-two years old, and he would Continued on page 7 Spring-2012-Magazine-April_4.indd 5 5 4/4/2012 1:08:15 PM