I made the first call to my videographer.
After dialing his number, I placed my hand
on my forehead and slumped over my desk
in the way someone would if they had a
stomach ache. If someone had come into
my office in that moment, they would have
surely asked if I was alright. Immediately I
heard a voice from within say, “Look at
you. Look at how you are slumped over in
your chair.” The voice caused me to
observe my disposition.
Taking a closer look made me realize that
my attitude had unintentionally defaulted
to one of despair and worry. My heart
started to believe completing the project
would be impossible; this resulted in my
expectations and enthusiasm plummeting
and me almost talking myself out of this
great opportunity.
Still, the Word of God, Matthew 14:30-31,
"But when he saw the wind, he was afraid,
and beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord,
save me." Jesus immediately reached out
his hand and took hold of him, saying to
him, "O you of little faith, why did you
doubt?" came forth and intercepted my
hesitant heart and directed me back to an
attitude of faith. It refocused me on what I
have which is God, who is willing and able
to provide all my need instead of focusing
on what I thought I didn’t have.
Do you become unapproachable
and impatient towards others or
do you continue to show love and
As believers, when challenges
appear insurmountable, we can
take comfort in knowing that God
is already ahead of our
circumstances and providing all
that we need the moment we
pray (Isaiah 65:24).
We must allow God to be bigger
than all of our challenges so that
we may be able see Him and
receive guidance. Ask yourself,
what attitude adjustments do I
need to make in order to
demonstrate an attitude of faith
and then allow the Holy Spirit to
help you make the necessary
How do you respond when circumstances
appear bleak and heavy? Do you respond
by being jovial and believing, or do you
become full of doubt and listless?