Faith Heart Magazine Faith Heart Magazine: Volume 4 | Page 10

OCTOBER 2016 BEAUTY MANDELIC PEEL: THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP By: Aundra Alecia McMullen, Licensed Esthetician Biography Faces by Mahoganie Skincare in Miami, FL Email: [email protected] Instagram & Twitter @fbmskincare Aundra Alecia is a native of Miami, mompreneur, and educator. She eats and sleeps skin care. Avid Googler of everything. If you Googled “Chemical Peels,” several articles and images will come up that will have you literally clutching your pearls! I, myself, have searched the phrase just for kicks and have come to a realization of why people fear chemical peels and would never request them as a beauty service. FAITH HEART MAGAZINE l 6 I am also fearful for the avid YouTube watcher (myself included) who watches the “gurus” apply these acids to their faces without any solid knowledge or explanations of chemical peels. I cringe each time I see someone tug away at peeling skin on their faces when they capture their processes at varying stages.