Faith Filled Family Magazine October 2016 | Page 36
Voiceless Movie Protects
the Innocent Unborn
Interview with Stuart Migdon
By Lynn Dunn
Voiceless, is a very inspirational film that deals with abortion and protecting
the innocent. While watching Voiceless you get an inside experience from
both sides of the fence, voiceless, is touching, inspiring, and on point with
the issues on abortion in today’s world.
his was a powerful movie
from beginning to end, tell
the readers about the film
“ Voiceless” who are the “
In the movie Voiceless, the
babies in the womb are represented as being voiceless,
they cannot speak for themselves. However, more importantly we are showing that the
church as a whole is Voiceless,
they do not speak out loudly for
these vulnerable, innocent babies and they need to. God instructs the church to be a voice
for Him in the culture in which
we live, to be salt and light, to
speak up for what is important
to Him. It’s clear that He forms
us in the womb, He created us
from conception and as Christians we must speak up clearly
and strong for these babies,
we cannot be voiceless. If the
church speaks up, we will be
heard and change will come,
abortion will be where it needs
to be and should be; illegal and
sinful and much more rare!
The film covers some tough
abortion issues that our world
is facing today and how life
of the “Voiceless” is taken for
granted, how do you think or
hope the film will impact others?
Voiceless was written to the
church to motivate the church
to engage the culture against
the sin of abortion. We believe
that when Christians see the
movie they will be motivated to
do something to be a voice for
the voiceless. They will want
to be involved in the pro-life
cause. Voiceless is not the type
of movie that will leave you feeling uplifted with goose pumps, it
will leave you feeling challenged
and deeply knowing you have to
do something. Even though the
movie was written to Christians
we have had several pro-choice,
very liberal people pre-screen
the movie and they see it as a
story about standing up for what
you believe, no matter what. In
making the movie, we did not
want to vilafy pro-choice people,
some of them are very passion-
ate in their beliefs even though
we believe they are passionately wrong. Instead we inspire
people, especially Christians to
Christians today want to stand
on the side lines and hope
that things get better. “Voice-