Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 11

Scripture the age of sixty, when they were just planning a great retirement. He said ‘The Lord knows best’, and was able to get on with his life. He later lost a second wife, A Christian friend lost her son and though facing terrible loneliture into my mind and it gave through a car accident. He was ness, he grieved by talking to the me courage and strength for the in his twenties. She went straight Lord constantly about her. In a next stages, and ever since. It to the Lord and found an amaz- month he woke, thinking he was gave me hope that I could cope ing peace about the whole thing. holding her in his arms and the and get through. She was a able to release him to Lord said ‘She’s with me. Get on the Father, and did not suffer the with your life,’ He was married SCRIPTURE IS THE POWER usual grief process, even though a third time within four months OF GOD. she was very close to him. because he had such complete trust in the Lord. He saw that the Psalm 119:8 says ‘I have hid- Horatio Spafford lost investments Lord permits a month of grieving den your word in my heart that in a fire, and then his children at and then life resumes normalI might not sin against you’. sea. The horror of that loss pro- ity. (Deuteronomy 34:8). HowKnowing the scriptures very well duced the hymn ‘…When sorrow ever this grieving period means pays great dividends in times of like sea billows roll, it is well, it is that everybody comes to visit severe trouble as it shows us well with my soul.’ and the person who suffered what attitudes to take, and if we the loss has the opportunity to take those attitudes immediately, A man lost his beloved wife at explain their feelings at length without question, we will cope and become victorious, wiser, and know our Father more intimately than ever before.