Faith Filled Family Magazine November 2016 | Page 30

these private moments . 2 . DON ’ T DO LIFE ALONE
God said in His Word in Genesis that is was not good for man to be alone . So receive the truth that not one person was created to do life alone . Find a life group , support group , mom groups , volunteer groups to get involved . Volunteer somewhere in your community . Sometimes the best way to get your mind off of yourself is to put it on others . Surround yourself with people who challenge you to grow towards God and you are able to be transparent . Let them be a safe harbor for you to share when you feel alone . They may be better at seeing the things you may have overlooked or cannot see . We all need those people in our lives that hold us accountable to staying on the right path towards our destiny . They may not be your answer but they can be a support as you pursue Christ .
Refuse to make this your home . You weren ’ t born to feel isolated , disconnected or alone forever . Loneliness can identify a problem but is not meant to be your identity . Christ is your answer for your every need , struggle or emptiness . You have a place in your heart reserved for the king . This place can only be seated by our Lord God . His name is on the reservation and no one or nothing will be able to take His place at the table .
Psalms 23:4-5 NLT “ Even when I walk through the darkest valley , I will not be afraid , for you are close beside me .
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me . You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies .”
The table is set , everything you have need of is on the table and He is already seated and waiting for your arrival . It may be dark but you are not alone . You are protected and you will be comforted at the table .
He longs for you to spend time with only Him and understands your longing for connection because He longs to have that connection with you . Challenge yourself to spend 15 min a day reading , meditating and talking to Him and see how you feel in 30 days . Make sure you listen as much as you speak . Try to use this time to thank Him for all He is doing and will do .
Getting a bigger circle of people doesn ’ t always remove loneliness but it ’ s important to not live an isolated life . Anyone at any age experiences loneliness at some point in their life . While you are young transition is happening all the time . It ’ s rare that the person you attended elementary with is still your best friend . Friends tend to change all throughout preschool to high school . You are constantly transitioning and changing so you tend to attract different types of people depending on where you are in life . Once in college you now begin creating adult relationships which have a better chance of lasting a lifetime . Some people marry after college while others stay single while pursuing other things . Transition is a part of living . The constant changing can leave a person feeling disconnected and leave you longing for relationship . Any loneliness should always push you to Christ first then others .
In seasons of loneliness don ’ t stay isolated but surround yourself with life and others . Don ’ t stay confined behind the computer with artificial friendships . This can only keep you from connecting . There are many opportunities to meet people through volunteering for a cause you are passionate about or church groups but remember , friendships take time and it shouldn ’ t be out of neediness . Only God can fill the void and He allows others to only add to your life not fulfill . You need to know you are worth getting to know . Ask God to direct you to the right people and be open to people who aren ’ t exactly like yourself .
When you begin having children your friendships tend to shift again . Now you are not able to just get-up-and-go anymore . Now you have to schedule a sitter , pick up your child from practice and make sure homework is completed and that everyone is home , the day completed and ready to repeat the next day . All of your single friends tend to keep living life without you and all of your new responsibilities . This is a perfect time to find other couples through school or church and begin to create friends that are in the same life place . You don ’ t have to replace your single friends but add some new ones who can identify and share some of the same experiences that you are currently having in life .