Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 36

going to happen to them. (I want them to go to college but I don’t have the money so I better steer them in a different direction or I think they would be great for the military but I am afraid that they will die so I better steer them in a different direction) We must be concerned about what God’s plan is for them and steer them in that direction. Finding out God’s plan for your children requires you to pray and watch. We should be praying for our children daily. There are so many forms of evil in this world that we need to be covering them from but we should also be praying for direction in raising them. Every child is different and they have different needs. God gave your child/children to you because He knew that you were right for them. Being a parent forces us to make decisions for our children and since none of us are perfect we need to rely on our omnipotent God who is. Going to Him on behalf of our children is very important and asking Him to guide us in which way they should go is equally as important. We should also watch and study our children so we can figure out what gifts and talents that the Lord has given them so that we can help them and encourage them to continue in that arena and support them with opportunities to grow and learn in that field. Once we do that, it will help us to determine which path they should take post high school based on the final goal. It will give us peace, knowing that this is the path that the Lord has for them. This is a huge part of your child’s life and parents should play a huge role in it but most importantly God should dictate it. We need to give Him the opportu- nity to lead and our child the privilege of seeking Him. As we watch, we can help to guide our children in the path that they should go. Ultimately, it is their decision but we should be there to help influence every step while taking it to the Lord. They should take it to the Lord as well. It is a huge decision that should not be taken lightly. God has a plan for all of us. We, as parents, should be involved to help our children find theirs. Clarissa Lee-Kennerly is the author of the non-fiction novel My Husband’s Not Saved and the young adult fiction novel The Kennedy Chronicles: Losing Rylie. These novels are available at,, Barnesandnoble. com and on her website where you can also contact her directly.