Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 35

the rest of their lives? As parents, I do believe that we have a responsibility to help our kids make this decision but it should start way earlier than their senior year. I believe that this is a conversation that should take place in the 8th grade and then we should start to build the game plan together from there. The Bible gives us some direction in all of this. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” A lot of people use this verse to mean to bring up your child in the way of the faith and even though they may veer a little bit off of the path that they will come back to it. While I believe that this true, I also believe that this can pertain to the career path that they choose. The phr ase in this verse “in the way” is derek in Hebrew. This means road, path, journey, direction, manner, of course of life and of moral character. Their course of life can also mean the direction that their life goes based on what they ultimately decide after they graduate. to say that your child is a doctor or lawyer. As parents, we want them to have a job that will have a great income and security. Sometimes we put on them the things that we wish we had done and live through them to fulfill our dreams. How do we know So how do we do this with our what is right for them? It is a children? How are we to help huge responsibility and one that them make the right choices for should not be taken lightly. We their life and not do it selfishly? In cannot be concerned about how our society, it is a status symbol it is going to happen or what is