Faith Filled Family Magazine January 2017 | Page 27

the unfaithful spouse is willing to put in the work , you will be able to find a way to let them back into your heart .
5 . The unfaithful spouse should be willing to embrace your hurt and anger , and do all they can to help and support your through the pain . Telling you to ‘ get over it ’ is a cop-out , and indicates an unwillingness to face the consequences of the affair . ( Penn , Remedy for Cheating , 2014 )
To summarize , we , especially as Christians should walk circumspectly in our relationships , and realize that affairs start with emotional abandonment , whose main catalyst is infatuation . When your deepest emotions are shared with someone other than your spouse , you have abandoned the relationship with your spouse , and given it to another . In addition , in the case of all affairs , the whole family suffers , because , unless the two spouses are willing to work through the problems that led to the affair , the marriage is doomed to end in divorce .
a . Common English Bible . ( 2011 ). Nashville , TN , USA : Abingdon Press .
b . Daly , J . ( 2015 , April 14 ). Daly Focus . Retrieved November 28 , 2016 , from Jim Daly ’ s Blog : http :// jimdaly . focusonthefamily . com / 3-signs-you-might-be-having-an-emotional-affair /#_ ga = 1 . 185257705.1749384058.14803 85704
c . Daly , J . ( 2011 , October 18 ). Jim ’ s Daly Focus . Retrieved November 28 , 2016 , from Focus on the Family : http :// jimdaly . focusonthefamily . com / a-fact-everyparent-needs-to-know /#_ ga = 1.1 90435179.1749384058.148038 5704
d . Dictionary . com . ( 2015 ). http :// dictionary . reference . com . Oakland , CA , USA : Dictionary . com .
e . Nelson , B . ( 2016 , February 4 ). 11 Animals that Mate for Life . Retrieved November 28 , 2016 , from Mother Nature Network : http :// www . mnn . com /
f . Penn , L . ( 2012 , 06 21 ). 10 Questions to Ask Your Cheating Husband . Retrieved November 28 , 2016 , from How-To-Save-A- Marriage . org : http :// www . howto-save-marriage . org / questionsto-ask-a-cheating-husband /
Well , to quote Steve Martin , “ I was born at a very young age ...” back in the 1950 ’ s when America was still naive enough to think that life was idyllic . I was influenced in my younger years by a mother who wanted me to have a “ noble profession ” like a doctor , lawyer , engineer , Indian Chief , or the like .
Well , I took her seriously , and became a programmer / analyst . I found out recently , that I really like writing , and using the creative side of my brain . Expressing myself in words in my most favorite thing to do . I am currently pursing becoming a published author , and am enjoying it a great deal ! It is not without its ups and downs , like the rest of life ! I am married and live in the Houston , Texas area . I have two grown children from a previous marriage , and five adopted children ( at this point *: D ). Yes , I am insane , and I do it very well ... thank you ( smile ). At least one of my mantras has been , “ Normal is Boring ,” and I am living proof of that !