Faith Filled Family Magazine January 2017 | Page 26

Into Me See Leads to Greater Intimacy BY CATHERINE SPADA

A healthy sexual life within marriage is a definite bi-product of a strong emotional connection and foundation . We have been so falsely indoctrinated by society in a multitude of ways about human sexuality . The lies can be quite severe and lead many to have false ideologies and fantasy type expectations about what sexuality should be within marriage . Sexuality can become so twisted and unhealthy .
As Christians we are not excused from witnessing the ways of world , but must learn to guard our hearts against what could be dangerous for us and lead us to sin . Lust is a very difficult battle . We can guard our hearts from this by recognizing the triggers around us . I am aware of many Christians who struggle with pornography and have taken many steps to protect themselves from the occasions that would encourage this activity . Such things could mean being accountable to another and even restricting devices and computers from accessing such materials .
Sex has been thrown at us in a diluted superficial way that robs us