character flaws.............................................82
Some things are cute, and some can be destructive
in a marriage. Learn how to help not hurt.
odyssey adventure club.............................13
Focus on the Family’s Christi Lynn discusses her life,
and the popular Odyssey Adventure Club.
robert bakke: life at full throttle......29
Robert Bakke has done NASCAR racing, has a black
belt in karate, is an air force piolet, and lives a life
that is truly at full throttle for life, for God’s plan and
purpose over his life, and, passionately for God!
Davey hamilton: live by god........................41
Davey Hamilton discusses his new career and his
passion for living a life filled with Christ.
Satellites and Sirens.....................................50
This month’s Music Spotlight. Discover who they are.
Trent waterson................................................58
Trent is best known for his latest movie, “Little Hope
was Arson”. Learn about his life on and off the set.
worship changes everything:....................68
Darlene Zschech is known for her role in Hillsong
Church, but there is more to this godly woman.
Worship and Mission.......................................74
Reprinted with permission by Woship Magazine.
Darlene Zschech’s column on the purpose of
praising God.
Faith Driven Consumer..................................86
Part two of a two part interview outlining what Faith
Driven Consumer’s impact on the marketplace.
Review: Four Blood Moons..........................79
Pastor John Hagee’s informative revellation on the
blood moon tetrads and what they mean biblically.
Faith Filled Family
Biblically, who’s in charge?.......................76
Is it the husband, the wife, or both? Many just aren’t
sure anymore. Discover the truth.