Submission is not being Submissive..........09
“Wives submit to your husbands” is not about being
lesser than but honoring and respecting your mate.
Love , HOnor and Cherish.............................16
It was a part of your marriage vows, but is it still part
of your marriage?
Faith Filled Family
“Having it All” at what price?....................21
Having it all is great, but when it comes at the
expense of your family it may not prove to be worth it.
When Just saying no is dangerous..........25
While refusing sex outside of marriage is godly,
refusing it altogether in marriage is not. Find out why.
In hot pursuit of your wife!.......................38
She’s sexy and you love her. She’s the mother of
your children and an outstanding wife. But do you
pursue her still or are you taking advantage of the gift
that God gave you?
ROmantic adventures in marriage...........44
Marriage is a continual romantic adventure for two.
At least, that’s what it was meant for!
Mark’s musings.................................................49
inctate mporpor adquibusa pelique dolorem sero
the crush of an emotional affair............54
Emotional affairs occur when needs go unmet in
spouses and can quickly destroy a marriage.
Children or Spouse: Who comes first...62
Husbands needs...Children’s demands... I love them
both! However, who, biblically, should come first?
Resucitating a Flat-lined marriage.........64
Don’t let a lack of emotion be a death-sentance! If
the dead can be brought back to life, so can your
And they shall become one flesh............66
When we are married, we become one flesh. However,
life gets complicated when there’s a tag-along!