faith filled words as opposed to
words of doubt. What-you-sayis-huge. Open your Bible and
read Mark 11:23-24. I truly enjoy
the King James version of this
(Jesus is speaking), “For verily
I say unto you, That whosever
shall say unto this mountain, Be
thou removed and be cast into
the sea; and shall not doubt in
his heart, but shall believe that
those things which he saith shall
come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith. Therefore
I say unto you, whey ye pray,
believe that ye receive them,
and ye shall have them.”
Believe in your heart, and say
it with your mouth! And then
stay-in-belief even while you are
waiting to see it. Don’t ever say
things like, “I prayed but nothing
happened.” These are words
of doubt, and your prayer, dies.
Do what Jesus just said to do,
“Believe you receive them, and
ye shall have them.”
Secondly, before anyone “gives
it to God” they need to be
sure they’ve have “done all”
themselves, first. Too many
people are running around
repeating a bumper sticker that
says, “Let go and let God.” It’s a
bumper sticker, not the Bible! This
teaching has disappointment
written all over it. In Ephesians
6:13 we are instructed stop
working and “stand” only after
we have “done all.” How many
Christians have “done all” first?
My point is, all of us have a
works to play in the process of
prayer. Works are a part of our
faith, and in Matthew 9:29 were
are told, “By your faith be it onto
you.” If you haven’t done all you
can first, your faith will suffer,
and you will fall into doubt.
relationship with him?
Robbie is a boy who was raised
by his single mom and his
sister. They were financially
strapped and living with only
the essentials. And whatever
else they had around the house
was in Robbie’s own words, “girl
stuff.” Robbie was an awesome
little kid, and since I was living in
Let’s look at a real world example comparative abundance, I begin
of this. Suppose a person is gifting him with “guy stuff” and
praying for weight loss. They taking him to “guy places.”
have two choices. They can
pray, and then turn it over to God. To this day I have never met
Or, they can pray, unceasingly anyone who was so thankful for
(1 Thessalonians 5:17) while everything little thing. Robbie
staying in the Word. In addition, thanked me, constantly, for
they can also change their eating everything. People eventually
habits, and begin exercising began asking me if I was afraid
30-minutes every day. In other I might be “spoiling him.” My
words, they begin adding “works” answer was always the same.
to their faith. Having prayed “When Robbie stops saying
in faith, backed by works, this ‘thank you,’ I’ll stop giving.”
person can stand before God
with a confident expectation of It was Robbie’s appreciation
receiving their requested prayer and constant thanks that finally
blessing. To take their faith even opened my eyes to all that the
a step further, they can begin Lord had been doing for me, but
thanking God for their weight that I was failing to thank Him
loss, every day, even before for. But what really opened my
they see it in the natural world eyes, was when Robbie began
(…believe you receive it and you giving me credit for things in
shall have it.). This also shows front of his friends. There were
the kind of faith God taught many things Robbie could have
Abraham, and is taught again taken for granted or worse yet,
in Romans 4:17 “…and calls taken credit for, or been prideful
those things which be not as over, but never once was he.
though they were.” I absolutely Robbie would always give me
guarantee that the person who the praise…give me the honor…
adds works, and words, of faith for what h H