are playing to the “itching ears”
of people who are looking for the
blessings of faith, but who are
unwilling to put fourth the effort,
the finance, or the behavior
necessary to receive these
blessings. Think about it, why
should a person bother to tithe
if by grace there are no longer
any works required? (Tithing is a
“works.”) Or, why not live together
with your girlfriend or boyfriend?
We’re under grace, right? I hear
things like this almost every day.
Unfortunately, this watered down
version of grace puts believers
at risk of a dangerous slide into
one will be BLESSED in what he
“You are the light of the world. A
DOES.” James 1:25
city on a hill cannot be hidden.”
How can you be the light on hill,
“Was not Abraham our father
by doing nothing? It is by your justified by works when he
works that you become the light offered Isaac his son on the
on the hill.” Matthew 5:14
altar? Do you see that faith was
working together with his works,
“Let your light shine before men, and by works his faith was made
that they can see you good
perfect?” James 2:21-22
works and glorify your Father in
heaven.” Matthew 5:16
“But by the grace of God
I am what I am, and His
. “This is the story of the talents. grace toward me was not is
The hardest workers who earned vain; but I LABORED MORE
the most profit are rewarded, ABUNDANTLY than they all, yet
and the least productive servant not I, but the grace of God which
is called “lazy and wicked” and was with me.” Some translations
is cast into outer darkness.” write this as “worked harder than
Matthew 25:18-31
them all…” 1 Corinthians 15:10
This slanted teaching of grace
is actually discussed in the
New Testament book of Jude (The Grand Commission, spoken
(Jude1:4). I encourage you by Jesus) Jesus commanded:
to read this verse in various “Go into all the world and preach
translations. It states 胊q