Faith Filled Family 2015 Issue 2 | Page 28

holding open a car door, taking care of the kids while she has a bubble bath, taking care of the housecleaning for one day… It’s the little things that speak volumes. Make her feel sexy and desirable- outside of the bedroom. Perceived ulterior motives cause things to go south really quickly. By repeatedly rejecting sexual advances, the message of begin undesirable becomes clear. Is that the message you want to send to your spouse? Compromise in this situation is as simple as an honest dialogue. Most men don’t know what their wives want. Men are problem solvers, so if they new, they probably would have solved the problem long ago. The reality is that if you don’t verbally say anything, he assumes that things are o.k. He is not wired for verbal cues like other women, just like women often want to sort through their feelings without someone offering them a quick solution. While the importance of sexually satisfying your spouse may be somewhat distasteful to some woman as they feel like they are made to be a possession, it is important to your marriage. If you marriage is indeed important to you, and you don’t want your husband to fall into sexual sin, then you must find a happy medium as a couple. Think about it this way: how would you feel if he repeatedly rejected you? Why is it that women feel hurt when their husbands don’t want to have sex, and yet think nothing of doing the same? If you hurt and feel rejected by this, then what makes you think that he doesn’t feel the same way? This year, women, give your husbands all of you. Be creative! We know it’s what you do best! Men, communicate lovingly to your wives. Don’t objectify her, but love her. After all, this union was meant to last forever. Also, if you find yourself being rejected by your wife, pray for her that her eyes would be opened. Let God deal with her heart, but do not enter into sexual sin. It leads only to destruction.