mentioned it.
A woman’s initial reaction to
being told that they should fulfill
Today, the topic between their husband’s sexual needs (as
married couples has become he should yours) is indignation. I
almost distasteful for some. It is admittedly had the same reaction
the attitude of if he’s horny and myself when confronted with this
I’m not, he should respect my truth. My internal conversation
feelings and please himself. It was something like: “Why should
is not my place to take care of I be expected to “put out” when
his incessant needs. He should I don’t want to? Sex should be
respect your desire that you don’t a mutual thing and would it hurt
want to have sex, but as his wife, him to be a bit more romantic
you need to fulfill his needs too. and a little less ‘wham, bam,
If you feel the scales in terms of thank-you ma’am?”
equality are not balanced, then
you need to communicate your In a way, it is humorous- our
thoughts to him lovingly because thought process- however the
in most men’s minds, if you feelings behind them are real.
aren’t indicating that there is a Women don’t want to feel like
problem, they think everything is a possession to their spouse.
going great.
They want to be romanced
and pursued- that’s why we
You are to blame, though. If like romance novels and sappy
he doesn’t hear otherwise, how movies! It seems unfair to us to
is he to know what’s going on? be told that we have to meet our
Men are oblivious to “subtle” husband’s sexual need when
cues, unlike women. They are ours need for romance goes
more logical problem solvers neglected. We don’t get aroused
than emotional readers. You
need to speak male to be heard.
He’s just wired that way.
The irony is that when it comes
to sex, it’s racier outside of
marriage and steamer than it
is inside of marriage where it
belongs. Maybe it’s the thought
of doing something “naughty”
or “forbidden” that generates
excitement. It could also be that
with increased responsibilities,
life, the pressures of life,
financial and career woes, and
children that many spouses just
don’t make time for each other
anymore. They aren’t focused
on one another. When they
do come together, they are so
exhausted that all they give each
other are scraps.
at the drop of a hat- it takes time.
Why do men seemingly get what
they want?
Yet there are two sides to
this argument and the truth is
somewhere in the middle.
The reality is that you could be
unintentionally damaging your
relationship. Men need sex to
feel love, and women need love
to have sex. The relationship is
wonderfully intertwined, and if a
husband loves his wife, he will
not mind romancing her a bit.
Most men, however, think that
romance is expensive so they
shy away from it. Wives, you
may have to give him some costeffective solutions.
When one side of this dynamic
fails, however, the result is
rejection- especially for a male.
Men will only suffer this type of
rejection for a short time before
they become tempted- and