“Having it All”
But At What Price?
By Vernita Simmons
Garden of Eden when
He formed woman from
the rib of the man and
brought her to him.
Then the rib which the
Lord God had taken
from man he made
into a woman, and
he brought her to the
man. Therefore, a man
Marriage is a divine shall leave his father
ordained and mother and be
by God between a joined to his wife, and
man and a woman. they shall become one
God officiated the first flesh. (Gen 2: 22; 24 ).
ceremony They became attached
to a marriage
when one or both
ignores the marriage.
For example, they are
both too busy working
or volunteering to invest
time in the relationship.
How can this be
And the Lord God
said, “It is not good
that a man should be
alone; I will make him
a helper comparable to
him.” (Gen. 2:18). She
completes him for he
is inadequate without
her. In other words, he
need her as much as
she need him. Thus,
In God’s divine purpose, the husband is to love
He knew man needed his wife unconditionally
soneone of like kind to as God loves us.
complement him, and Husbands, love your
He created a helper, wives, just as Christ
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