your heart. Lean not to your own
God, you’ll never be in a
understanding” [Proverbs 3:5-6].
position to do that. We don’t
Many believers confuse
faith with trust. But trust is more
important and different
altogether. Faith believes what
God says. It’s evident by our
acting on what He says.
However, when you don’t trust
accept the words of those we
don’t trust. Trust is required,
before you can have faith. You’ll
be amazed at all of the
promises attached to those who
trust in the LORD.
We say, “God show me,
and I’ll trust you. God
How do you develop trust in God?
It’s simple.
says, “Trust me. And I’ll
show you.
Meditate on His Goodness!
It sounds foolish I know.
but didn’t. What about the
But the more someone is good
to you, rather, the more you
that nobody knew about, but
focus on how good anyone has
you were delivered.
been, it enables you to let go
Breakthrough with your children;
and trust them more. Think
Breakthrough in relationships;
about the time you almost died,
tragedy you were going through
Isn’t it time you’ve given God