Embrace Your Calling
Jesus said this, “If any
embark upon what he’s created
man would come after me. Let
you to do. Jesus’s cross was
him first deny himself, take up
dying for our sins. What’s your
his cross, and follow me” [Luke
cross? It could be to witness to
9:23]. His cross? Let’s be clear,
others in your community or
nobody can die on the cross for
online. It could be to adopt an
humanity except Jesus. So what
urban school by getting on the
is it that he’s referring to? You’re
parental advisory board there. I
calling. The specific thing God
don’t know where God is calling
wants you to do with your life. In
you, but I can say this, its going
essence, to walk closer with
to get you closer to him.
God, you’re going to have to
Trust Him
To keep up with Christ this
the scriptures. You may not
year, you’re going to have to
yield to Him, before you see any
beforehand. But to really move
reason to. If not, you’ll be left
with God, you must trust Him.
behind. You may not get all of
hear three or four sermons on it
“Trust in the LORD with all of