If you are used to killing your houseplants because you forget to water them on a regular basis, succulents just may be the perfect plant for you. Too much water will kill a succulent as their leaves store water to distribute it to the plant when needed.
There are two ways to tell if your plant is ready to be watered. The first way is to look at the leaves. If they look like they are starting to whither and pucker then they may be ready for their next dose of water. If you still aren’t sure by just looking at the leaves, stick your finger deep into the soil. If it's dry all the way through, you are safe to water. Put enough water on your succulent that the water begins to come out of the hole in the bottom of your container. Once all the excess water has drained from the soil, dump the water out.
Succulent Soil
Because succulents are made to withstand heat and lack of water, they seem to thrive in sandy, well-drained soil. This is another reason why making sure there is a hole in your pot, and that the excess water is dumped out, is of vital importance to growing and maintaining a healthy succulent. If you are creating your soil, try a mix of 50/50 soil to sand.
"If you are mixing your own soil, try a mix of 50/50 soil to sand."