FUN Newsletter
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Nu Rho Psi: The Na onal Honor Society in Neuroscience
G. Andrew Mickley, Ph.D., Execu ve Director of Nu Rho Psi — U
Brief history and mission of Nu Rho Psi:
Nu Rho Psi is the Na onal Honor Society in Neuroscience, founded in 2006 by the Faculty for
Undergraduate Neuroscience. We are now an independent, tax-exempt [501(c)(3)], nonprofit, grass-roots, organiza on comprised of neuroscien sts like you.
The purpose of Nu Rho Psi is to: (1) encourage professional interest and excellence in scholarship, par cularly in neuroscience; (2) award recogni on to students who have achieved such excellence in scholarship; (3) advance the discipline
of neuroscience; (4) encourage intellectual and social interac on between students, faculty, and professionals in neuroscience and related fields; (5) promote career development in neuroscience and related fields; (6) increase public
awareness of neuroscience and its benefits for the individual and society; and (7) encourage service to the community.
Current status of Nu Rho Psi:
The honor society has grown steadily since the first members were inducted in 2007. We now have over 2000 members and 43 chapters at colleges and universi es across the U.S.
Nu Rho Psi is governed by a Na onal Council elected by our members. The Na onal Office is located at Baldwin Wallace
University and day-to-day opera ons are managed by a small part- me staff.
Benefits to Nu Rho Psi members:
Students who become members of Nu Rho Psi are selected based on their superior scholarly accomplishments as well
as their excellent work in research. Members receive membership cer ficates and lapel pins as an indica on of the
honor they have earned. Nu Rho Psi offers compe ve travel awards for
members to a end and present their research at the annual Society for
Neuroscience mee ng. Nu Rho Psi also offers compe ve small grants to
facilitate our members’ senior theses or summer research projects.
Grants and other awards are available to Nu Rho Psi Chapters that foster
educa onal and community outreach opportuni es. Nu Rho Psi membership is for life and it is o en a springboard for the networking and collabora on of like-minded colleagues throughout the U.S. We also mentor
our members through publica ons (e.g. The Nu Rho Psi Guide to Graduate School in Neuroscience) and other outreach ac vi es of the Society.
How to start a Nu Rho Psi chapter:
Nu Rho Psi is a federa on of local chapters, each with their own Cons tu on and By-laws consistent with those documents for the na onal organiza on. Membership in Nu Rho Psi is granted only through our chartered schools and any
accredited college or university in the U.S. may apply for a Nu Rho Psi charter. The applica on process is aimed at determining the likelihood that the school has the curriculum, resources and desire to foster development of the neuroscience educa on of their members. Ques ons about Nu Rho Aͤ