Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 1 | Page 3

Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3 FUN with Grant Wri ng Con nued... niques regardless of cost or equipment availability. For example, one group of students conducted a cell death assay in the cell culture laboratory and proposed to further explore the topic using a transgenic mouse model. Student Feedback Seventy-nine percent of the students responded to an online survey about the class and grant. When asked to what extent the grant project improved their skills, students reported a moderate improvement in Research Design, Research Techniques, and Ability to Read and Interpret Scien fic Literature, and a slight improvement in Wri ng (Figure 2). In closing, this was an excellent project that I plan to implement the next me I teach the class, and I look forward to seeing the ideas that arise! Acknowledgements: I would like to thank my BIOL0333 students for their hard work, and Dr. Jennifer Hanselman and Dr. Kurt Lucin for submission feedback. Top Reviewed at ERIN  A Map of the Brain: Allan Jones at TEDxCaltech online here   Weakness: Since it is a TedX talk, detail is lacking in places (the histological techniques, understanding the gene c data), but the video would make a good introduc on to brain mapping and gene c neuroanatomy.   Strength: Beau ful imagery, good historical perspec ve of imaging, appropriate discussion of techniques that can be used to image the living and postmortem whole brain and brain ssue. Merges into a nice discussion of what the Allen Brain Ins tute is trying to accomplish Review provided by Joe Burdo, Ph.D. — Boston College A Pa ent guide to deep brain s mula on, Mayfield clinic online here  Strength: Although video clips don't foster deep learning, this one certainly sparked a lot of discussion. Students were fascinated by the procedure and a bit taken aback by the footage of the actual surgery (including the hole being drilled through the skull). The length is only 4 minutes, so this can easily be used as a prompt for a wri ng assignment.  Review provided by Bob Calin-Jageman, Ph.D. — Dominican University Want more resources? There are over 600 curated records in ERIN, the online database of Educa onal Resources in Neuroscience. All ac vi es are focused on undergraduate educa on and beyond. Have a recommenda on for next issue’s featured resource? Submit it to ERIN.