FACES - YWAM Singapore Issue.2019 | Page 15

His Kingdom come THE CITY THAT CANNOT BE HIDDEN In 2013, God gave YWAM Singapore the unexpected opportunity to resurrect an ageing river vessel in Palembang. Built in 2006, it was equipped as a primary healthcare medical boat. It was God’s way of showing us that His spotlight was shining on Palembang - a crucial gateway city to the rest of South Sumatra, one of the most unreached islands on earth. A Medical Ships ministry was God’s creative way of giving us access, first, into the unreached villages along the river and then into the inner cities of Sumatra. Thank you Julius, for your cinematic photography of Palembang and its Musi River. God started to call various individuals to be part of the Medical Ships ministry. Each one was a piece of the puzzle that was slowly unveiling His big picture for this city. Since then, countless of short-term outreach teams and hundreds of volunteers from all over the globe have served with us. Due to their involvement, the ministry is now able to serve six unreached people groups along the river and have witnessed remarkable transformations in their relationship with locals. Palembang was a ground that was hard when we first went in to launch the ministry. 90% of the population are believers of the Islamic faith and 0.03% are followers of Christ. Hudson, one of the pioneering staff of the ministry recalls how the villagers and boat people were suspicious and unfriendly. But for five years, the faithful team declared Psalm 24 over the city, “Open up ancient gates, open up ancient doors, let the King of Glory enter…” as they faithfully served the people by being God’s vessels of healing and comfort. Previously frowning and growling faces now greet them with warm smiles and invitations into their homes and lives. “More than just medical aid, they have started to welcome our presence and friendship there,” Hudson shares. “The villagers now trust us with their wives and children. They hand us rice and fruit whenever they see us. The leaders of the mosques even ask if we want to buy land and live amongst them with our families. It is like seeing darkness turn into light before our eyes.” The medical ministry has been a gateway by which YWAM Singapore could reach out more holistically to Palembang, where our deepening relationships with the villagers have opened up unprecedented access into the community, homes, schools, farms and in-land areas of this city. Over the years, God has provided us with great opportunities to lay good Kingdom foundations here. He has connected us with individuals who long for community transformation and are well-equipped with practical strategies to do so. We have also built relationships with the churches and Christian organisations in the city. We have conducted training in the churches, and have sent international outreach teams to work with the local youths in their ministries, street evangelism, schools, and slums. In turn, the local churches have sent their young people to volunteer with us to gain greater exposure and wider perspectives. It has been a privilege to work with their young people and help them discover their call in God’s Kingdom. God has since kindled and revived a passion in the body of Christ and has enlightened the eyes of their hearts to see that their city is a mission field. We are now working towards refurbishing or rebuilding our vessel so that we can reach the less accessible villages. Medical care is scarce in these remote areas and it breaks our hearts that the deteriorating condition of our current vessel forces us to bypass certain villages. It is our conviction to be a gateway by which all the spheres of Palembang — the government, business sector, medical industry, education systems , and media and arts — can be transformed into the image of God. God is at work at an accelerated pace. It was such a privilege to quietly partner with Him as He lay Kingdom foundations through us in this city, even before its gates were opened up to the world. As Palembang co-hosted the 2018 Asian Games this year, people from different nations were seen all over the city, a sight unseen before. Out of the event, we saw how the local people’s hearts and minds were stretched open to new possibilities. We brought the local church leaders and members to mentor them in evangelism and outreach. They realised that the people of Palembang are ripe for the love of God and the embrace of His family. This is a city ripe for harvest. 27