As citizens of His Kingdom, we seize every
opportunity — both individually and as a
community — to carry God’s presence
within us like a temple, in the hope that
others will encounter Him through us. We
speak the language of God’s Kingdom in
our commitment to acts of mercy and
service, teaching and discipling others
wherever He calls us to. It takes time to
acquire this new ‘language’, and YWAM’s
Missionary Training Campus is committed
to being both an incubator and a launch
pad for those who want to observe all that
He commanded, in eagerness to share the
gospel and themselves..
As an incubator, it aims to be a conducive
and nurturing environment that allows
potential missionaries to foster intimacy
with God through the twin pillars of
knowledge and experience of Him. The
Campus will press into the heart of the
knowledge of the glory of God for we
believe that the clear knowledge of Him is
the kindling that sustains the fires of
affection for our Lord. Seeing, is savouring.
The more we know Him, the more we will
love and trust Him. And the more we love
and trust Him, the more we will long to
know Him. To experience God fully, we
need to know His power and sovereignty in
the way He redeems and saves. Those who
see everything in the light of the Word is
anything but narrow in view, but generous
in heart and mind. Little by little, they grow
true, brave hearts that will take their feet
to adapt to language, custom and place,
echoing the journey of the feet that left
behind heaven’s everything, to come to us
in our nothing.
As a launch pad, the Campus aims to fulfil
YWAM Singapore’s vision as the Gateway
of Asia, which will reorder focus around
God’s global cause, in Asia and beyond.
There is no particular streamlined method
of outreach. We need to be creative if we
want to make the gospel relevant to those
who are broken and lost, as they identify
their deep longings with their need for the
The kingdom of God works in the opposite spirit of
the world. Instead of listening to the dominant voices
of society, YWAM lives out this counter-culture by
allowing His voice to shape the nature of our
ministries. God’s apostolic voice directs us to pioneer
work in new frontiers, while His prophetic voice
counsels us on His heart for the world. In tandem,
they confront the issues of society. By listening to
and obeying His voice, YWAM has learnt to see with
the eyes of the heart that recognises truth; in a
humanness so rich and deep in those deemed
faceless by the world – the widows, fatherless and
rejects of society. He offers us, the way He did at
Emmaus, a new hope, a new vision of light that
not even the dark world can overcome. And
because of it, we are not fearful but we brave the
darkness to bring those who are trapped within it
into the comforting light of God.
We believe that God
wants a Missionary
Training Campus in
Geylang, one of the
darkest, poorest and most
broken communities in
Singapore. The targeted
property is freehold.
Total Estimated Cost
(Figures are close estimates)
Cost to purchase
and Administration
Additional Buyer
Stamp Duty
(We will appeal for a waiver)
of our current
YWAM property
God has provided
S$1.2million (within a
span of 10 weeks), and
we are in the midst of
securing a bank loan.
We are trusting Him to
provide all the monies
(S$10.7million) to reduce
the weight of a heavy
Please prayerfully
consider participating
with us in this mission –
to build God’s home in
Geylang. Contributions
can be made via the
Donation Form,
inserted at the back
of this issue.
critical needs in our spheres of society.
Surrounded by other religious institutions,
hospitals, KTV bars and hotels, our
trainees learn to repackage the gospel in
the way that will speak to those who are
right at our doorstep, as they then prepare
to impact the nations.
To facilitate this training, every programme
is required to engage in at least one local
outreach. The Missionary Training Campus
seeks to raise pastors who are called to
disciple the local community to spearhead
this phase of the programme, benefitting
trainees who will learn how to adapt and
contextualise the way they disciple others.
Singapore has notably been coined the
‘Antioch of Asia’. YWAM Singapore takes
this call seriously, and seeks to build
initiatives that will multiply all over the
Asian region. The Campus takes a keen and
especial interest in training, equipping and
discipling cross-cultural missionaries who
can adapt effectively in their environments
and understand the nuances of that culture.
Given that every nation is unique as they
are undergirded by different forms of
spiritual, religious, mental and political
warfare, the Campus also aims to train and
nurture missionaries who can strategise
effectively to disciple the native locals well.
God created the world and has been active
in it from the beginning, so that His
transcendent beauty in holiness might be
known and shared by a redeemed people
from every tribe, tongue and nation. His
glory, His face, lights our lives, and it will
convict the nations. We are not to be
insulators but radiators of His presence
outside the church, and those whom we
disciple will be taught to enjoy God’s
presence as they host the presence of God
wherever their beautiful feet may take them.
Strategically located in one of the darkest
parts of Singapore where opportunities to
serve abound, the Campus will design
programmes that equip all trainees with
the necessary tools like evangelism and
community development, which will meet
Taken in Jerusalem by Joanne Lim, a travelling companion who makes your heart sing.