Facebook Marketing Marketing | Page 5

At another time you're looking for an agency of sightseeing in the city X. One option shows a tab with the offered tours and schedules. Do you think a legal and already schedule the tour? Often the visitor has not even work to go to your site, what he seeks may already be on Facebook. In a world where no one wants to waste time point for you! The ideas are numerous: from product pages and addresses of stores to offer jobs in your company, as this example of Red Bull. Think about what information a visitor on Facebook need to make their purchasing decision. I'm sure there are plenty of options. call to action buttons Calls to action are intended to encourage people to undertake important actions in your Fan Page as: download an application, generate a Lead or make a purchase on your site. And the best, you can add a call to action at no cost. To add a call to action button that leads to your website you need to follow these steps: 1. Go to the cover photo of your page and click "Create a call to action." 2. Select the call and enter the desired URL. 3. Click "Create." For each goal, Facebook offers a different action. See which one is best for your strategy.