It is important to understand that a dissemination strategy
Facebook has two phases. First, the step of setting content.
Second, the phase of performance improvement.
content marketing strategy for the first posts.
In social media, you need to conquer it. If you publish is not very
attractive to the user, there is no reason for him to continue
following you and, even less, to enjoy and spread your message.
Your brand should communicate what the customer wants to
hear, not what you want him to hear.
Who is your customer?
The first step in defining the theme of your company is thinking
about the target audience, the buyer. Most of the time the error
is happening there: many companies write for themselves, not
for the public.
It helps a lot at this stage the creation of personas, which are
nothing more than a character that represents your typical
customer. Consider questions such as:
• . Who is my prospect? What he does? • . In the case of B2B
products, which is the type of company that buys my solution?
And what is the position of those who purchase? • . What is the
education level of my audience? What are your challenges and
obstacles? • How much knowledge it already has on my market?
What kind of thing he would be interested in learning about my
industry? • . What kind of information it consumes and which
vehicles? • . Who influences your decisions?