Face Of The Youth Magazine May, 2014 | Page 5

...The whisper Contd

After that brief moment of truth, I suddenly realised how foolish I have been sulking in bed wasting precious time and energy and then I jumped out of bed, opened my window and raised up the blind for the rays of sunlight, I had my bath, put on my makeup and off I was out of the house to achieve those dreams and yes I am achieving those dreams.

It’s time to stop the pity party, stop the complaining, stop the blame game, stop the wrong thinking and begin to believe in yourself, begin to take those positive steps and surround yourself with people who will support you in the realization of those dreams.

You are an achiever. It’s time to get out of bed. Am waiting for you at the Top because that’s where you belong.

You are Still Beautiful!!!!!

listen to my song below:

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