Face Of The Youth Magazine May, 2014 | Page 4

The Wisper By Faith Yebo, a Singer, Nigeria.

I heard the cock crow and my eyes popped open. I couldn’t believe how short the night was. I did my prayer and afterwards lay back in bed pondering on so much I wanted to have and all I wanted to achieve. gripped my heart. I became beclouded by depression and uncertainties.

I was so lost in my thought and before I realised it, fear and sadness gripped my heart. I became beclouded by depression and uncertainties. I wondered how and when all the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle will come together to form a beautiful piece. Everything looked so farfetched, and it all looked so impossible to achieve.

Every moment of my negative thought drained so much energy from me; I saw how impossible it was for me to achieve those great dreams. I lacked even the energy to get out of bed.

Then I closed my eyes, by now tears dropping down my cheeks, I looked up and three simple words I whispered, ‘Lord help me’. Suddenly I heard a soft tiny voice from within saying ‘there lay greatness inside of you, only if you will believe, begin to think right, talk right and take the right actions then you can be everything you have ever desired to be.