One of the most important steps any of us can take is to acknowledge it could happen to you . Disasters are on our minds daily at Team Rubicon , but , understandably , that ’ s not the case for most . So how do we know if we ’ re mentally prepared for a sudden disaster ? It starts with acknowledgment and conversation .
Preparedness begins with conversations with those in your household , Sometimes , these are difficult conversations . For many of us , our family and loved ones share an equal stake in the emergency plan , and talking together about what to do if an incident does happen will make things unfold safer and smoother when gotime does come around .
Because our focus is always on preparedness , we ’ ve pulled together a few quick tips to help you and your loved ones prepare for disasters . We ’ ll focus on healthy mental preparation and things like finances , a common stressor in the aftermath of a destructive storm .
How to Mentally Prepare You and Your Family for Disaster
Do the math for emergency funding .
Will you potentially endure lost wages ? Will you be stuck in a hotel ? Will your insurance payout get to you in time ? Having access to even $ 400 in an emergency is unrealistic or difficult for many vulnerable communities . By planning your emergency savings for a disaster that hopefully never comes , you ’ ll cut down on money-related stress .
Learn how your children ’ s schools are prepared .
Severe storm scenarios often unfold with very little warning and could occur while your kids are in school . That ’ s not necessarily a bad thing , as schools are well prepared for most emergencies and have practice drills regularly . Coordinating your family ’ s plans with the schools for pick-up will alleviate the stress of not knowing when it matters .