eZWay Magazine Jan. 2016 | Page 19

M A RY DESM OND I'm Mary Desmond. I'm 17 years ol d and I l ove sharing my music. I have been abl e t o successf ul l y share my music on t he Int ernet t hrough YouTube. I've acquired over 40k subscribers and over 10 mil l ion views on my channel over t he past coupl e years. I have most l y been sharing cover videos of popul ar songs on my channel f or a whil e now, but I'm going t o be rel easing some new original mat erial in earl y 2016. I just rel eased an EP # ToSt art ThingsOf f of my f avorit e cover songs t hat is avail abl e on iTunes. And I recent l y audit ioned f or t he f arewel l season of American Idol ! You wil l have t o wat ch when t he season premieres t o see how it goes! Now int o more personal business. As a junior in High School who l ost a f riend who commit t ed suicide f rom being bul l ied, I am expl oring what and why we bul l y or t reat each ot her as inf eriors and if t he process ever st ops or just disguises it sel f bet t er as we grow as humans in societ y. I'm making a document ary cal l ed UNKNOWN t o document t he unt ol d st ories of t hose who have suf f ered f rom being bul l ied. I have been t ravel f rom High School t o High School and I see t hat t he same deduct ion can be made f rom each invest igat ion: Peopl e need f riends. Bef riending one can t urn t heir whol e l if e around. The worl d can be against you but when just one is on your side you can conquer and hol d your head up. We don't want t o f eel al one and it 's not in our nat ure t o be al one. And t hat 's why I decided t o do t his document ary. Unknown wil l be coming out in t he spring of 2016. I absol ut el y adore my f ans and f amil y f riends f or t heir l ove and support on t his journey. Find me here Mary Social Media yout ube.com/ marydesmond / marydesmondonl ine.com ht t p:/ / www.f acebook.com/ marydesmondonl ine / ht t p:/ / Twit t er.com/ Desmond_Mary ht t p:/ / inst agram.com/ princessmarydesmond 17.