EZINE Christmas 2013 | Page 7

Eat Sustainably!

Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa con-sectetur porta. Class aptent taciti soci-osqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Prae-sent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aen-


- 3oz freshly-made white breadcrumbs (75 e

- (a 2-day-old white loaf with the crusts

- removed will be stale enough to grate, but it*

- best way to do this is in a liquidiser, if you

- have one)

- 3/4 pint milk (425 ml)

- 1 medium onion

- 1 bayleaf

- 15 whole cloves

- 6 black peppercorns

- 2 ox butter (50 g)

- 2 tablespoons double cream

- Salt and freshly-milled black pepper

"one of the great, classic, british sauces"


A couple of hours before you need the sauce, cut the onion in half and stick the cloves in it. How many cloves you actually use dependh on you, but I, personally, like a pronounced flavour; if you really don't like cloves, you can use some freshly-grated nutmeg instead.

Place the onion, bayleaf and the 6 black peppercorns in a saucej with the milk and put this to infuse in a warm place for about 2 hours. Then, over a very low heat, bring the milk slowly to the boiL which should take about 15 minutes. Next, remove the onion, bayleaf and peppercorns and keep on one side.

Stir the breadcrumbs into the milk and add 1 oz (25 g) of the bu and some salt. Leave the saucepan on a very low heat (stirring and then) until the crumbs have swollen and thickened the sauce. Now replace the clove-studded onion and again leave the saucepa in a warm place until the sauce is needed.

Just before serving, remove the onion and spices, beat in the remaining butter and the cream, and taste to check the seasoning

- Louis Driver