Autumn Colours
by Kathryn Beaney
Here in the UAE, autumn marks the start of the beautiful weather we have and we can now spend
more time outdoors. In the UK, autumn is when the weather gets colder and all of the leaves turn
orange, red and yellow and fall off the trees.
This sun catcher is a lovely craft activity to capture the colours of autumn.
A roll of clear contact paper
(the sort you use to cover books with)
Red, orange and yellow tissue paper
Black sugar paper
Start by talking to the children about autumn and leaves.
Give each child a piece of contact paper, sticky side up (this needs to be the size you
want the sun catcher to be, don’t make them too large)
Let the children tear up the tissue paper and stick it to their contact paper
When they have finished, put another piece of contact paper on top
Help the children to draw a leaf shape on their contact paper or you could make a
template to trace around, this then needs to be cut out
Make two larger leaf shapes with the sugar paper and make border